In the 2024 – 2025 Social Justice Statement, “Truth and…

Karol Kulczycki SDS
Ordained to priesthood on the 28th of May 1994 in Poland as member of the Society of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorians). Came to Western Australia in 1997. Ordained as Bishop on the 29th of September 2020. Installed as the XII Bishop of our Diocese on the 28th of October 2020.
As part of Catholic Education South Australia, the Catholic Education Office (CEO) works in partnership with Catholic schools to provide a range of facilities and resources to support Catholic education and families.
The CEO works to assist schools in enriching the lives of students by providing support which promotes the spiritual, physical, emotional, social and intellectual well-being of all students. Through partnerships with parents/carers, parishes, governments, and the wider community, the CEO strives to provide opportunities for students to develop their full potential.
Our Catholic schools are sacramental communities, in that they look for ways to help students find meaning in their studies and enable them to discover God in everyday happenings. Our schools promote the Gospel values of love, justice, forgiveness and reconciliation. In Catholic Education we seek to create environments that enhance learning, nurture young people and empower them to live life in the spirit of Jesus Christ in regional, rural and remote South Australia.

Equipped with missionary spirit and empowered by God’s love all members of our communities are sent to share the Good News (evangelise) in the Domestic Church; to build small faith communities by reaching out to those who have lost their way to God or to those who have never encountered God in their life.
Called to be missionary disciples we deepen our faith by our activities and ministries and we open our hearts to welcome all who want to join our worshipping communities.
Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.” But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed? And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed? And how can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out? As the scripture says, “How wonderful is the coming of messengers who bring Good News!