‘Let the little children come to me,
and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these
that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’
Matthew 19:14
Created in the image of God, all children and young people are our most precious and sacred citizens with a voice that must be heard, respected and valued. Accordingly, we, the people of God in the Diocese of Port Pirie are committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of our children and young people.
The Port Pirie Diocesan Child Protection Council works closely with the following offices in the Adelaide Archdiocese:
The ‘Child Safe Contact Person’ (CSCP) is a role developed by the Child Protection Council to ensure that there is an individual in every parish or community who can support children and families.
The role of the Child Safe Contact Person includes:
- Working in partnership with the Child Protection Council and having a strong knowledge of Diocesan child protection policies and frameworks.
- Attending special training and forums to ensure that all CSCPs are equipped to perform their roles.
- Receiving and distributing resources from the Child Protection Council.
- Being available for children and families to speak to, not only to report any concerns but also to share ideas and ask questions about anything relating to children and young people in our parishes.
The names and contact details of the Child Safe Contact Person are clearly displayed in parishes and communities. All Child Safe Contact People have a current Department of Human Services Child Related Clearance and attend Child Safe Environments training to ensure they are aware of how to report suspected child abuse to statutory authorities.
The Catholic Church in the Diocese of Port Pirie recognises the dignity of all children and young people before God and the significant role that the Catholic community plays in promoting environments that nurture and protect the wellbeing of children, young people and their families.
It encourages the active participation of employees and volunteers in creating and maintaining a respectful and secure environment for all members of the Catholic Church community.
In order to ensure continued support to the Catholic community, the Diocese has nominated certain people in different Parishes in our Diocese to act as Child Safe Contact Persons.
A Child Safe Contact Person is one who is nominated by the Church communities with responsibility for maintaining current knowledge of child protection initiatives, promoting these within their Church community and fulfilling a liaison role between the Church community and Child Protection Project Officer.