In March the Prison Ministry Team had their inaugural meeting at the Chancery. Its success was helped by a remote link up with Fr Khalid Marogi.
The four areas of Prison Ministry that were focused on are:
Prison chaplaincy
The Diocese has six prison chaplains: Frs Hau Le, Paul Bourke, Jimmy Pantin & Jim Monaghan with Deacon Brenton Mortimer and Sr Delma Rani SSAM. Chaplains provide ministry to prisoners,
celebrate Mass and upon request, will also provide artefacts such as Rosary Beads, Prayer Books, sheets for different religious groups, the Bible or Quran, Bhagavad-Gita. Some chaplains will even contact families for prisoners when it is needed.
The Diocese now has approximately 30 people who write to prisoners consistently on a bi-monthly basis. Linking a Pen-pal with a prisoner takes some co-ordination. Sister Delma sources prisoners who would like a pen-pal and between Pam Keil of Port Lincoln and Jenny Kondylas of Whyalla, the Pen-Pals are coordinated. The Parish Post Box is used for all pen-pal correspondence.
Funding for the bags come from donations from community clubs and parish fund raising and remind prisoners that community people care about them.
Prospering after prison
‘Prospering after Prison’ was set up by Sisters Delma and Sheela, to assist in the long journey of newly released Women. On leaving prison the chaplains can assist with clothing, food and contact with Church and other welfare groups.
(written by Jenny Kondylas)