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Recently, Felicity, Sophia, Joe and Dan from NET (National Evangelisation Team), accepted an invitation to travel to Port Augusta and attend dinner with the Port Augusta Young Christian Workers (YCW), a like-minded group of young people.

In what can only be described as a meeting of the minds, an enjoyable evening was had by all. The robust exchange generated by the group concerning the effects faith and work-life have on each other, was remarkable.

They canvassed the challenges faced by youth living out their Christian faith in the work environment. Each NET member shared their personal experiences and discussed challenges posed, not only to one’s faith but also to the growth of their faith.

Many of the young Catholic workers in Port Augusta have migrant backgrounds which often bring a refined and unique set of skills to the workplace, a real gift to their employers. However, they also face many challenges living and working abroad such as separation from loved ones, language and cultural barriers, and having their contribution accepted and appreciated.

We give thanks to God for this happy meeting and rich conversation!