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Christmas 2024


In the time when in some parts of the world there is conflict, war or disaster we still say to each other “Have a wonderful and joyful celebration of Christmas”. We could think that these two realities contradict each other but we have to remember that Jesus was born in this world in particular time and place and his birth was not a fairy tale story. Our Lord and our God was born not in the palace but in the poor environment yet, he was born to bring light to this world, to be the light which overpowers the darkness of the life in this world. The birth of Jesus out of the human family underlines the importance of our families and uplifts the values of the family in our societies.

Each year when we come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we not only commemorate events which took place sometime in history, but we want to rededicate ourselves, our families, our children to Jesus who enlighten us with his peaceful and joyful presence, and this is a real meaning of our Christmas celebration. His birth brings out of us the goodness and kindness which sometimes are forgotten.

So, especially at this time, we pray for the people who are causing conflict and war, may they open their hearts and minds to the birth of Jesus and be filled with the light of Christ. May they be able to find a peaceful resolution to stop the conflict and war.

May this light of Christ give strength to the people who live in the lands impacted by conflict and war and may it empower the hearts of many to provide the help and support to people in these troubled lands.

Jesus Christ was born to be the light for this world. May this light fill you, your family members and loved ones with God’s gift of peace and joy. Please be open to share those gifts with others.

Have a wonderful and joyful celebration of Christmas.