Br Patrick Cronin CFC

Eternal rest grant unto him,
O Lord, and let perpetual
light shine upon him.
DIED: 26/05/2023
Patrick Cronin CFC died on Friday 26 May in Melbourne after a serious fall. He had been in residential care at Mercy Place.
Br Pat was a well-known Christian Brother, a man of enormous energy and deep commitment to Catholic Education in Western Australia and South Australia. He was a very successful and creative science teacher, coach of a variety of sports and Principal of three schools – Aranmore College, Leederville in Perth, St John’s College, now part of Samaritan College, in Whyalla and Christian Brothers College, Wakefield St in Adelaide. He was also member of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools.
After completing 12 years at CBC Br Pat became the Coordinator of the RCIA in the Archdiocese of Adelaide, and then ministered in the Diocese of Port Pirie. Br Pat was also a life-long student who completed two doctoral degrees – PhD in Science and a Doctor of Ministry.
A message from Bishop Greg O’Kelly SJ: It was sad news to hear of the death of Brother Pat Cronin, who worked in our Port Pirie Diocese for his last mission before illness forced his retirement. Br Pat was well known and much liked. He had a double period as head of CBC, Wakefield St, and initiated significant improvements there. He would be very well known to the last generation of Catholic school principals. May he hear the words of the Lord whom he served so closely, “well done, good and faithful servant.”