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Christmas 2021


The end of the year is upon us. The annual season of breakfasts, lunches and dinners is also upon us. Children are finishing their school year, workplaces and associations, including many of our religious groups are closing their activity. Does it mean that we are coming to an end? No way! We are just getting ready to begin the great journey of life with Jesus.

Advent allows us to joyfully prepare ourselves for the celebration of LIFE. Yes, celebration of Christmas is a celebration of life. Almighty and glorious God from the highest of Heaven sends His son to be born out of human family. This way He not only sanctified earthly family but also uplifted the meaning of life which comes with the birth of a child.

Why do we love Christmas? Because of holiday, gifts, carols, BBQs, gatherings. Yes, these factors have some impact on our feelings, yet subconsciously we know that there is something more. Just thinking about Christmas brings the memory of childhood, growing under loving protection of our parents. For many people, Christians and non-believers, Christmas is a celebration of family and children.

How powerful was the birth of Jesus that made such enormous impact on the history of humankind? He was born in conditions below contemporary human standards, yet he was the source of light and life. That message filled the world with joy, peace and hope two thousand years ago and continues to fill our hearts today.

In the time of COVID-19 pandemic darkness we need this message of light and life. We need to revitalise our commitment to God and family in order to continue our Christian journey with Jesus in the following year. As we are looking forward to Christmas, we are also looking forward to continue our journey with Christ, under the loving heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary as our Mother.

Personally, I want to thank all of you who supported me in my first year as bishop of the Port Pirie Diocese. Thank you for your words of encouragement and for your prayers. As members of one God’s family let us rededicate ourselves, our families, our Diocese to Jesus Christ, the source of LIGHT and LIFE.

Lord Jesus Christ, Divine Saviour,

You build your holy Church upon the foundation of love expressed by Simon Peter and you taught us how to love others as you have loved us. Be with us as we build our local Church in the Diocese of Port Pirie. May your presence strengthen our will to serve you and support one another. Come and stay with us in our homes. Let your presence in our families help us to refresh our “domestic church” with your gift of love. Open our ears to hear the voice of our neighbors’ crying out for your support.

Asking for your presence in our local communities, we ask your blessing upon our endeavors of supporting young people through the ministry of the National Evangelisation Team and our diocesan youth ministry. May their efforts help young people courageously open their hearts to God’s gift of love, give them strength to face any challenges in their life, knowing that with God on their side they can achieve great things. For it is in you, o Lord, we place our hope and trust.