Our Vision – in Christ we grow in joy, to become a people that welcomes, loves and forgives.
Our Inspiration – The gift of the desert is God’s presence.
CHURCH | DAY | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th |
Roxby Downs | SAT | 6:00pm | 6:00pm | 6:00pm | 6:00pm | 6:00pm |
SUN | 10:30am | 10:30am | 10:30am | 10:30am | 10:30am | |
7:00pm | 7:00pm | 7:00pm | 7:00pm | 7:00pm | ||
Woomera | SAT | 3:00pm | 3:00pm |
Lord Jesus Christ, Divine Saviour, You build your holy Church upon the foundation of love expressed by Simon Peter and you taught us how to love others as you have loved us. Be with us as we build our local Church in the Diocese of Port Pirie. May your presence strengthen our will to serve you and support one another. Come and stay with us in our homes. Let your presence in our families help us to refresh our “domestic church” with your gift of love. Open our ears to hear the voice of our neighbours crying out for your support.
Asking for your presence in our local communities, we ask your blessing upon our endeavours of supporting young people through the ministry of the National Evangelisation Team and our Diocesan Youth Ministry. May their efforts help young people courageously open their hearts to God’s gift of love, give them strength to face any challenges in their life, knowing that with God on their side they can achieve great things. For it is in you, O Lord, we place our hope and trust. AMEN
Parish Priest: Fr Francis Montero
Pastoral Associate: Sr Patricia Hogan OLSH
Child Safe Contact Persons: Melissa Diver and June Carmen
1988-89 -[app.] Western Mining [the first owners] proposed building an ecumenical church as found in Leigh Creek. The Churches at the time did not believe it to be feasible. The first Masses were celebrated in homes..
1990 – ATCO building arrived and was the Mass Centre until 2000
1995 – Sisters [Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart] arrived
1998-99 – a group of hard-working enthusiastic parents worked to have a Catholic School
2000 – St Barbs School blessed and opened – room in school used as Mass Centre. Parish Council, Liturgy Group YCS established. Generous leaders assisted refugees at Woomera Detention Centre
2013 – Middle School established – Mass Centre needed for expansion
2014 – Mass celebrated in local Lutheran Church
2019 – enquiries made as former Police Offices became available for sale.
2020 – February sale finalised for new St Barbara’s Parish Church Easter Vigil 11th April first Mass 10th August blessing of Church and consecration of the Altar
“May the Father, Son and Spirit enlighten the eyes of our hearts that we will see how great is the hope to which we have been called.” [Eph.1:17-18]
Saint Barbara is the patron of miners an appropriate Saint for our parish. Roxby Downs is a mining town with a very rich ore body situated at Olympic Dam and now owned by BHP. We have a very transient population which affects the town, parish and school. St Barbara’s is a very small parish but all who celebrate the Eucharist are involved in the liturgy. The parish and school work together in preparing liturgies for family masses and with parents in our sacramental program. Our hope is that our people become “living stones making a spiritual house, the holy priesthood that offers the spiritual sacrifices.” [1Peter 2:5]
In the 2024 – 2025 Social Justice Statement, “Truth and…
Australia’s Catholic bishops say the issues surrounding the proposed Aboriginal…
PO Box 425, Roxby Downs SA 5725
Ph: +61 8 8650 7873
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Our Priests are supported via Sunday first collections and a few special collections throughout the year.
This Fund provides for priests' living and ministry expenses. Thank you for your support.