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Cathedral Parish

Port Pirie, Solomontown, Crystal Brook, Redhill

A Catholic community that endeavours to live the joy of the Gospel.
A Parish that reaches out and embraces all with love, sensitivity and charity.

Churches in our Parish

St Mark’s Cathedral

St Anthony’s – Temporarily Closed

Holy Trinity Church

St Martin’s Church

Mass Times
Crystal Brook9:30am8:30am
Reconciliation in:   CathedralThu 7:00pm  ||  Sat 5:30pm  ::  SolomontownSat 10:30am  ::  Crystal Brook – before Mass
Parish Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ,
We place in your Sacred Heart all the needs of the Church, the needs of the world and of our nation. We entrust to you all the needs and cares of our own hearts, and of those who are dear to us.
In a special way we pray for our parish placed under the patronage of St Mark the Evangelist. Through the intercession of St Mark and all the saints, may every blessing be poured out on all members of our parish, on all our works and ministries, and on all those who live here.
We pray in particular for St Mark’s College, our school, their staff and students, and all their families.
We remember especially our deceased parishioners; may they be received into eternal life.
May our parish be filled with holiness and prayer, with faith and love; may it be a place where worthy and reverent worship is offered to God, and where we receive grace and power for our mission.
May all who come here find a welcoming home, comfort in their needs and strength for their journey.

About Us

Administrator:  Father Jimmy Pantin
Assistant: Father Sijo Joseph csc

Deacon:  Deacon Gary Stokes

Pastoral Associate:  Claire Conaghty
Parish Secretaries:  Anne Trimbell and Lenny Halfacre
Child Safe Contact Persons:  Deacon Gary Stokes, Gen Wells, Lenny Halfacre and Anne Trimbell

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
Ministers to our fellow parishioners to enrich the quality of parish life by bringing the voices of the community to the Council table and by prayerfully discerning policy and practice which will lead parishioners to live their call to mission and ministry. The Parish Council assists the Parish Priest in the administration of the Parish, providing additional resources and a forum for discussion and input by the parishioners.
Parish Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for the financial administration of the Parish. It attempts to budget parish income and expenditure, oversees the Parish Planned Giving programme, and undertakes to maintain parish grounds and buildings.
Counting Teams
On a rostered basis, securely count and prepare for banking, the weekend offering collections.
Maintenance of Church Property
Small maintenance jobs can be easily undertaken by a home-handy person and assisting with establishing and maintaining the Parish gardens and the surrounding general environment.
Parish Website and Facebook Coordinator
Working with Parish Team and PPC, to ensure content is kept up to date and to upload resources for parish leaders.
Sacrament of Baptism Preparation Ministry
Baptism is the source from which flows the entire Christian life. This team assists parents in the education and preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism of their children and godparents. Formation and support are provided for those interested in joining this ministry.
State School Sacramental Preparation & Education Team
Catholic children (over 7 years of age) prepare with their families to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Families participate together in workshops and Eucharistic celebrations. Helpers and supporters are required, together with new team members.
Catechumenate: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The RCIA Team is committed to sharing faith and knowledge with adults wishing to explore becoming Catholics, helping them to understand the Catholic faith. We work with them as they develop a relationship with Jesus and our community and come to an understanding of the Gospels and prayer. We begin as mentors but soon become friends. This, for some people, is their first encounter with the Catholic Church. Team members are required to continue this important ministry.
Alpha Ministry
The Alpha Course, simply known as Alpha, is an evangelising course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is described as “an opportunity to explore the meaning of life, ask questions, and share your point of view”.
Couples for Christ (CFC)
Through a series of weekly informal discussions of the Gospel in a social environment, this movement assists and evangelizes married couples to deepen their relationship with Christ and his Church. CFC offers family-to-family support and encouragement in living their Catholic faith in the Parish.
Liturgy Team
In collaboration with the parish priests, this team has four responsibilities: preparation, coordination, formation, and evaluation of the parish sacred liturgies, in a joint effort to enhance and develop good sacred liturgical celebrations. Formation will be provided.
Sunday Mass Preparation Team for Cathedral Masses
This team works on a roster basis each week at the Cathedral Masses to prepare the church for the celebration of Mass. In collaboration with the sacristan, responsibilities include: opening church doors, light candles, ensure data projection and sound systems are operating, lectionary is open to correct readings, coordinate the Offertory procession and ensuring that all other ministers are available and ready. Training will be provided.
Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion

(in absence of priest)

On the occasions when a priest is not available, trained men and women lead the community with a celebration of the Word of God with Holy Communion. Parishioners are required to lead this ministry of worship – formation will be provided.
These people greet and welcome parishioners and visitors as they come to Mass, especially Sunday Mass, giving those attending the weekly parish bulletin and making available other pamphlets or resources that are prepared. At times they give out material after Mass as people leave.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers at Mass
These ministers who are trained and authorised to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. They minister on a rostered basis.
Lectors (Readers)
Those who can confidently read and proclaim the Word of God and are willing to be part of a roster offer a valuable service.
A commentator is a person who can confidently introduce the liturgy, read the petitions of the Prayers of the faithful and make announcements.
Altar Servers
Any young person who has received First Holy Communion is able to be trained to become an altar server. By their own prayerful and alert participation, they enable the whole congregation to participate more fully in the Eucharist. More girls and boys are welcome to offer themselves for this important ministry. Training will be provided.
Music Ministry
While we are blessed with excellent musicians and choir members, our parish is always eager for more people who can sing or play musical instruments to offer their talents in praise of God, and to help us enrich our worship. It is hoped to develop a music ministry for all Sunday Masses.
Collectors of the Thanksgiving Offertory at Mass
Being a collector is a ministry. Why? Because what is collected comes from the parish community; it is their stewardship offering that enables the mission of Jesus entrusted to all parishioners to continue. A certain graciousness and a friendly smile build community. More collectors are required to form teams for each Mass.
Liturgy of the Word with children
This group works on a rostered basis to break open the Liturgy of the Word to school age children at Sunday Mass, during school terms. Leaders are needed for this ministry. Training and resources are provided.
The sacristan has the stewardship and care of the sacristy, the church, and their contents – setting up for Mass, cleaning and tidying up after Mass. Training is provided.
Data Projector Operators at Mass
The data projector in the church has provided a new way to serve others. These ministers operate the data projector during Mass, which carries the daily themes, readings, and hymns. Training is provided.
Altar Linen
There is always a need for the altar linen to be washed and kept clean for use in Mass. The altar cloths, purifiers used with the chalices, the priest’s and altar servers’ albs and other cloths on the altar are washed by a variety of people. Can you assist with this gracious ministry?
Church Cleaners
These are another group of ‘behind the scenes’ people who do such an important job of keeping the church clean. There are a number of teams of church cleaners. More assistants are required.
Flower Arrangers
This person has responsibility for arranging the flowers. More helpers are needed with this ministry.
Prayer Groups
The prayers of these parishioners sustain and strengthen our parish and ministries. They undertake to pray on a regular basis at home or church or anywhere that is convenient. They pray for the needs of the parish, the ministries of the parish, our deceased, those who are sick, those who are celebrating the Sacraments, etc. This is a wonderful ministry for anyone, but especially those who find it difficult to be actively involved in other aspects of the parish or may be elderly or housebound. All are welcome to join in the existing prayer groups or form their own.
Pastoral Care of Sick and Homebound
This team of ministers visit those who are confined by illness to their homes or nursing homes. Besides providing fellowship and compassion, they bring the Eucharist, to those who request it, the friendship and love of the Parish community and provide a time for them to join in prayer. We are a link with the Parish community, and we can share a time of prayer and contact.
Bereavement Support Ministry
This team works with bereaved families within the community offer follow up support to those who grieve.
Legion of Mary
We undertake apostolic works in the spirit and compassion of Mary, by caring for her loving son Jesus through works that involve visiting in pairs, the bereaved, the homebound, residents in nursing homes, the sick in hospital and the families in the parish.
St Vincent de Paul Society – Port Pirie Conference
The Society assists families and individuals, who are disadvantaged or in need, within our local community. Volunteers are always needed – support and training will be provided.
Catholic Women’s League (CWL) and Catholic Women’s Group (CWG)
Friendship support groups of women who promote the spiritual, cultural, and social interests of Catholic women and defend Christian principles. Works include supporting parish events and activities, fundraising for charities and ecumenical outreach.
Knights of the Southern Cross (KSC)
The Knights of the Southern Cross is an Order of Catholic men committed to promoting the Christian way of life throughout Australia. The Knights work to raise funds for parish and Catholic charities and support many other community-based projects within our region. New members are always welcome.
menALIVE Breakfast
The menALIVE breakfast meet is a men’s ministry for like-minded Christian men bonding together in friendship, meeting on the 4th Saturday monthly 7.30 – 9.00 am in the Parish Centre. It’s a great forum where Christian fellowship and mateship discussion flow freely. Come alone and enjoy the journey.
Ecumenical and Interfaith Relationships
A group that dialogues with other faith groups within the parish area. If you feel that you are called to engage in these dialogues with other faiths, and enjoy interfaith relationships, perhaps this ministry is for you in representing our Catholic parish.
Diocesan News & Events
Parish Bulletins
Contact Parish Office
PO Box 205, Port Pirie SA 5540
Ph: +61 8 8632 3977
Support Parish

Donate to Parish

Thank you for supporting our parish via Sunday second collections and Direct Deposit. If you would like to donate via Direct Deposit please contact Parish Priest for Bank account details.

For more info about Direct Deposit please contact our parish.

Support Priests

Donate to Priests Fund

Our Priests are supported via Sunday first collections and a few special collections throughout the year. This Fund provides for priests living expenses as well as for ministry expenses.

Thank you for supporting our priests.