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Caritas Australia is the international aid and development organisation of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Caritas has been committed to tackling poverty and inequality in Australia and overseas since 1964. When a crisis hits, they work hand-in-hand with local communities and churches to bring aid and relief to people whose lives have been devastated by natural disaster or conflict.

Today Caritas serves in 18 countries, working through 67 partnerships to bring hope, support and compassion to the world’s most vulnerable people. As part of its mandate, Caritas also seeks to engage all Australians, especially the Catholic community, to advocate and act for equality and justice for all.

“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”
John 10:10

About Catholic Mission

Catholic Mission is the Pope’s international mission agency in Australia and is part of the global network of Pontifical Mission Societies operating in over 160 countries. We partner with communities to help them flourish by supporting grassroots projects, including healthcare, education, and faith formation, while also being an active voice for human rights.

Ways to Partner with Catholic Mission

They are many ways to partner with Catholic Mission to create a more just world:

World Mission Month
Each year, in October, join Catholic Mission in celebrating the work of Mission in Australia and around the world. You can give a gift through your local parish appeal, volunteer as a Mission ambassador to spread the word in parishes around your area, learn more about our work and donate online, and pray for missionaries and the people they serve. Your support is essential as it enables missionaries around the world to continue serving the spiritual and practical needs of their local communities.

Socktober is a fun and educative celebration of World Mission Month for Australian children and youth. It is a comprehensive education, formation, and fundraising initiative that engages school communities and children in the global work of Mission. Using the world game of soccer, Socktober connects students in Australia with the children they support, incorporating learning, prayer, advocacy, and financial support for children and communities in need around the world.

Staff Formation
Catholic Mission facilitates opportunities for staff across diocesan agencies, healthcare, aged care, education, and social services to encounter God in the world and in their work. Through an immersive, interactive pedagogy of dialogue, encounter, and experience, it aims to engage the whole person. By bringing the concept of Mission to life, it empowers staff and enriches the lives of those they serve.

Student Formation
Catholic Mission facilitates experiential workshops and provides a range of interactive multimedia resources to educate students on issues of Mission and justice. Students are empowered to contribute to God’s Mission in the world by turning their faith into actions through prayer, advocacy, and action, including fundraising.

Catholic Mission offers immersion programs for both adults and senior secondary students, providing unique opportunities to engage with overseas and Indigenous Australian communities. These programs allow participants to experience firsthand the challenges faced by marginalised communities, broadening their perspectives and inspiring them to take action to create a more just world. This fosters a broader vision of Jesus’ Mission and enhances cultural awareness.

Workplace Giving
Workplace giving offers a simple and practical way for employees to make a meaningful impact through regular, pre-tax deductible contributions automatically deducted from their pay. These contributions support missionaries in enhancing the lives of children, communities, and future church leaders in Australia and around the world.

If you are interested in the work of Catholic Mission and would like to get involved, email us at, or visit Catholic Mission website at

The Catholic Women’s League addresses social justice and ethical questions. They seek to influence legislative and administrative bodies at all levels in order to preserve the dignity of the human person. They strive to be a voice for the voiceless.

They are a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) and a member organisation of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO) and work together with 5 million women in more than 60 countries to promote the presence, participation and co-responsibility of Catholic women in society and the Church, in order to enable them to fulfil their mission of evangelisation and to work for human development.

CWL South Australia was established in 1914 along the same principles as the Catholic Women’s League in England, uniting Catholic women in a bond of common fellowship for the promotion of religious and intellectual interests and social work.

The Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross in South Australia is an organisation of Catholic laymen who operate with the support of the Australian Bishops. It is an autonomous Branch of a national fraternal organisation that operates in each Australian State. The Order is guided by the Catholic faith and the cardinal and chivalrous virtues of prudence, faith, justice, fortitude and temperance in all its charitable works. It strives to serve the wider community and support those in need.

Branch meeting times:

St Mary MacKillop / Copper Coast
Third Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm
Parish Hall

Port Augusta
Third Thursday of the month at 7.45 pm
Parish Centre

Port Pirie-Crystal Brook
Second Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm
Port Pirie Parish Centre (odd months)
Crystal Brook Parish Centre (even months)

The St Vincent de Paul Society is committed to serving people in need in the community. The Society’s strength lies in their local presence in communities, which enables them to offer personal service, neighbour to neighbour, with compassion and respect. While acting locally, they are bound together, connected to the Vincentian brothers and sisters around Australia and the world, by a shared history and mission.

The St Vincent de Paul Society was founded by a 20 year old student named Frederic Ozanam in 1833. It was established by like minded individuals who wished to put their faith into action. This compassionate outlook, enthusiasm and vision continues today in Australia. There are thousands of people who every day share their time, care for humanity and energy to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged people all around Australia.

Yourtown is a charity with services young people can access to find jobs, learn skills, become great parents and live safer, happier lives. Every young person has the right to a brighter future.

Since 1961, they’ve been tackling the issues impacting young people in Australia – like mental health and unemployment, and taking on issues like family and domestic violence.  They include Kids Helpline, training and employment services for young people, parent education and family refuges.