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Sacramental Program

Sacramental Program for Children
First Holy Communion – Confirmation

The simplest definition of Sacrament could be expressed with words: visible sign of invisible grace (gift) from God. To live our life with God we rely on His support. Through the celebration of Sacraments God enters our life with His grace touching all the important moments of Christian life.

The aim of this program is to engage children and their families in preparation for receiving sacrament of Holy Communion and Confirmation through formation based in the local Parish with the support of Catholic School/Parish Religious Education Classes. It means:

  • Parish based
  • School/Parish RE class supported
  • Family orientated


Parish Based

The Parish has a responsibility to coordinate the sacramental preparation between School/Parish RE classes and families through at least six weekend celebrations in the local Parish church involving the Parish community.

School supported

School/Parish Sacramental Coordinator will complete the sacramental preparation with children and prepare and organise the liturgy for the Sacramental Mass as well as a rehearsal for receiving the Sacrament in liaison with the Parish Priest.

Family orientated

Families are expected to attend all celebrations/preparations in the local Parish church. They are encouraged to pray with their children. They are encouraged to choose and invite a Faith Friend to their home for family prayer and reflection about our Christian life in the local Catholic community.

Faith Friend

A Faith Friend is a regularly practising Catholic member of the Parish community who is ready to visit the family of the child who is receiving the Sacrament, prays with them and leads the reflection/discussion about life in the local parish community. Preferably it should be a Godparent or Sponsor of the child. Those who are ready to become Faith Friends should be provided with formation to prepare them to lead the prayers with families.

Parish Sacramental Celebrations

First weekend


Sacramental information weekend and distribution of enrolment forms

Second weekend

Rite of Commitment

During this liturgy, children will make a commitment to their preparation program and ask for blessings and prayers of their parents and parish community

Third weekend

Parent’s Education

A short workshop for parents and children after Masses to help you with your preparation. Practical points before Sacramental celebrations

Fourth weekend

Rite of Election

Children to be called by name and presented to the community

Fifth weekend

Celebration of the Sacrament

Celebration of your child’s first Holy Communion or Confirmation

Sixth weekend

Commissioning of Children

Blessing and commissioning of children to go out and live the life with Christ

(on the Resources Section please go to Liturgies where you can download “CDPP Sacramental Program“)